SEA – Social Entrepreneurs Agency is a multisector cooperative that was set up by a collective of social entrepreneurs in 2007. Its corporate object is to develop and implement social entrepreneurship projects that contribute to sustainability at social, economic, cultural and environmental levels in order to generate local, integrated development.

SEA chose the legal form of cooperative because it intended to create a social enterprise. However, the legal form of social enterprise doesn’t exist in Portugal, and cooperative was the model that came closest to the one we desired.

Since 2008, SEA has been present in different areas and has developed projects that encourage the integration of local communities and individuals through the economy. This integration involves creating income-generating activities, individual capacity building and developing entrepreneurship competences for the labour market based on the “personal branding” method and by generating new social businesses that contribute to the creation of new employment.

In its intervention, SEA aims to create innovative social solutions based on people-centred and place-based strategies that have high social impact and meet the current needs of a constantly changing labour market.


I have a Dream


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