Sponsor a cause
Make a contribution to help João, Maria or Miguel.
Choose the cause that is closest to your heart and make a small donation. Sponsor a person/idea/project. Please contact us for more information.
Donate your time and expertise
Do you know about finance? Are you creative, with a knack for graphic design or web design? Do you work in accounting? Help us by providing a pro bono service and give some of your time to our institution.
Fill in the skills volunteering form here.
Spread the word about our institution
The causes need exposure to gain support. Choose a cause and spread the word on social media.
Post the link on your wall. This simple gesture will help hundreds of people get back to work, make an entrepreneurial dream come true, or simply get them on the right track.
Spread the word about our institution. Everyone wins
Donations in Money
Be an entrepreneur and support our projects. Make your donation by:
Seja empreendedor e apoie os nossos projetos. Faça o seu donativo através:
Bank transfer
Bank account number 0010 0000 40623920001 15
Payable to SEACoop, CRL and sent to the address Rua Piaget, n.º 47, R/c Esq. – Loja 150, Adroana – 2645-626 Alcabideche – Cascais, Portugal.
Send us an e-mail with your personal information (name, tax number, address, e-mail address) so we can issue a receipt for the donation.
Tax conditions for individuals in Portugal (income tax – IRS):
Your donation is tax-deductible under Article 63 of the Tax Incentives Statute (Estatuto dos Benefícios Fiscais).
Patronage Act (Lei do mecenato), Article 63 – More Info
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